Rehabilitating communication skills, physical or cognitive impairments, and social and emotional needs through music.
Engaging, energizing, therapeutic
Music therapy at Sheltering Arms Institute offers individual and group sessions, including neurologic music therapy techniques. Individuals may engage in drumming, singing, songwriting, and even ukulele classes for physical and cognitive rehabilitation.
Music Therapy at Sheltering Arms Institute
Delivered in the inpatient rehab setting as part of the transdisciplinary model of care, music therapy is provided through groups, individual sessions, and co-treatments with physical, occupational, speech, and recreational therapists.
Music therapy supports individuals recovering from a broad range of conditions, helping them improve speech and communication, memory, orientation, gross and fine motor skills, coordination, emotional support, and more.
Every individual in inpatient rehab has access to music therapy group sessions and the opportunity to receive an evaluation for one-on-one music therapy services. Some common diagnoses appropriate for music therapy include:
[After music therapy], I feel more relaxed than I have all week. Thank you for reminding me of who I am and what life is like away from the hospital.
Understanding music therapy
Music therapy is the clinical use of music to reach non-musical goals such as speech, cognition, movement, and social/emotional support. Musical elements, including rhythm, melody, and tempo, are adapted to meet each individual’s needs.
Music therapy serves a wide variety of diagnoses, and all individuals in inpatient rehab have access to music therapy services. Individuals experiencing speech and language deficits, movement and coordination limitations, disorientation or difficulty with memory and attention, or depression, anxiety, or isolation can benefit from music therapy.
Music is stored in all parts of the brain, making speech, movement, and memory accessible despite impairments caused by illness or injury. Music therapy can help to recover speech, create new neural pathways, and support building physical strength. Music can also reduce perceived pain and provide a space for relaxation and emotional processing.
No musical experience is required to participate! Music therapy is designed to be errorless and adaptable to any individual’s level of experience and comfort.
Music therapy is offered for patients currently receiving inpatient rehabilitation at Sheltering Arms Institute in Richmond, Virginia.
Start your Journey
Contact a specialist at Sheltering Arms Institute to learn more about how you can gain more freedom in your everyday life.