Research and Education Initiatives at Sheltering Arms Institute

At Sheltering Arms Institute, we are dedicated to advancing the science of physical rehabilitation through innovative research and evidence-based practices. Our interdisciplinary team of experienced researchers, clinicians, and educators work collaboratively to explore a wide range of topics and novel treatment approaches, harness the power of advanced technology, and inform the development of more effective treatments and therapies with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes.

Research Vision

As a learning health system, our goal is to bring valid scientific evidence to clinical practice sooner, closing the 17-year knowledge-to-action gap in health care and improving patient outcomes. To meet this goal, we have established key objectives, including engaging clinicians and patients in sponsored science, establishing Sheltering Arms Institute as a collaborator and recruitment source for research participants, and obtaining funding to support research studies.

Research Leadership

Richard Kunz, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Amol Karmarkar, PhD
Director of Research

Amber Walter, PT, DPT, NCS
Director of Clinical Science

Cristin Beazley, PT, DPT, CBIS
Manager of Clinical Science

Carolyn Frey, BS, CRC
Senior Program Manager, SAI Research Operations

Charmi Kanani, MDA, MBA
Biostatistician & Data Analyst

Research and Education FAQs

To reach the team member who can best help answer your questions, please email us at or complete the contact form below.

At Sheltering Arms Institute, our clinician scientists conduct research utilizing innovative ideas to improve rehabilitation therapies and help our patients achieve their best outcomes. For a list of our current studies, please click here.

We also encourage you to utilize to find additional clinical trials outside of Sheltering Arms Institute. Additionally, individuals who have experienced a spinal cord injury may find helpful. Please feel free to contact us if we can offer assistance in helping you navigate either of these external resources.

Sheltering Arms Institute partners with Virginia Commonwealth University, specifically VCU’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Center for Engineering and Rehabilitation Science. We also collaborate with research clinicians at the Central Virginia VA Health Care System, HDR, Inc., and other national institutions who participate in the National Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems.

We are continuously exploring collaboration opportunities to reinvent rehabilitation. You can find more information on our research partners by clicking here.

Clinical trials are essential for researchers to find new treatments and therapies. Your participation provides researchers with valuable information to discover new, innovative treatments. By participating in a clinical trial, you have access to new research treatments before they are widely available, which may lead to improved health outcomes.

Your clinician will discuss all health options with you so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not to participate. You will continue to receive your usual health care. Costs for conventional health care while participating in a clinical trial will be discussed with you.

Volunteering for research is always your personal choice, and choosing whether to volunteer for research is a big decision. It is important to be well-informed, not just about the specific project you are considering volunteering for, but also about what it’s like to volunteer for research in general.

The resources linked below can help you understand how human research is conducted, what you can expect, and questions you should ask.

  • Becoming a Research Volunteer: This short pamphlet explains research and lists some questions you may wish to ask when you are considering volunteering for research.  
  • About Research Participation: This website from the Office of Human Research Protections—the federal agency tasked with enforcing the regulations that protect human research volunteers—has many resources to assist you. Content is available in English and Spanish. From short educational videos to lists of questions to ask and information about regulations that protect volunteers, this site can be helpful to you in making an informed decision.  

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Research Trials and You: This website offers guidance to potential research volunteers who want to join clinical trials. Clinical trials are a type of human subjects research that are designed to test new drugs, devices, or other interventions intended to improve health outcomes for people. This website offers frequently asked questions on clinical trials, guidance for parents of children who might volunteer for clinical trials, and help locating ongoing clinical trials.

Participation in a clinical trial provides specialized care and may require additional time. Additional procedures outside of your usual care are paid for by the research study. Your clinician will also discuss any risks associated with participating in research with you. Most risks associated with clinical trials are minor or temporary; however, some participants may have complications that require medical treatment. While rare, research participation may cause serious or life-threatening side effects from investigational treatments. The information collected throughout the trial provides crucial insight to researchers in determining future healthcare opportunities to help patients achieve their best outcomes.

Sheltering Arms Institute conducts research compliance using services from external Institutional Review Boards. Our research clinicians are trained in human subject protection and are approved to conduct research through the federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).


Learn more about the research & education program at Sheltering Arms Institute