
Clinical researchers at Sheltering Arms Institute, the Center for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering (CERSE), Richmond Veterans Affairs Medical Center and VCU Health combine their expertise to develop breakthroughs to improve patients’ lives. With the extensive research backgrounds of these entities combined, Sheltering Arms Institute has the knowledge and support to obtain funds, find collaborators and connect with mentors to continue moving research forward and apply findings to patients sooner.

The Sheltering Arms Foundation partners with many local non-profits to support and extend our patient services. Organizations seeking a grant from the Sheltering Arms Fund complete a proposal through the Community Foundation, which is then considered by the Sheltering Arms Foundation’s Community Partnerships Committee. The review and award selections take place over the summer with an announcement to recipients at the end of the fiscal year. In 2019, 16 organizations received a grant from the Sheltering Arms Fund.

Grant Recipients:

Brain Injury Association of Virginia

Circle Center Adult Day Services

Community Futures Foundation

CrossOver Healthcare Ministry

Foundation for Rehabilitation Equipment and Endowment (F.R.E.E.) Foundation of Virginia

GoochlandCares Free Clinic and Family Services

Health Brigade

Positive Vibe Foundation




RVA Rapid Transit

South Richmond Adult Day Care Center


The Doorways

United Spinal Association of Virginia

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