What is the Core and Why Does it Matter?

The core and its importance in exercise is far more complex than most people know. In its entirety, the core can be thought of as a box that includes the abdominals in the front, the spinal and gluteal muscles in the back, the diaphragm as the roof, and the pelvic floor and hip muscles as the bottom. When all these muscle groups are equally strong and working together, safe and stable exercise is possible. However, if any of these core muscle groups are weak, it can lead to strain and overuse injuries. Thus, it is important to have a varied core exercise program to maintain a healthy and balanced core.

How Can I Make My Core Stronger?

Research indicates that an effective core strengthening program should train functional movements rather than individual muscles and includes training multiple joints in a dynamic fashion2. By exercising in a variety of positions rather than just on your back like most traditional core strengthening programs, you can adequately challenge your core and simulate a full variety of functional daily activities2.

5 Exercises for Functional Core Strengthening

1. Pallof Press with Resisted Rotation

Set up: Hold a resistance band in both hands at chest height. Shoulders should be turned towards the resistance band; hips should be pointed forward.

Movement: While keeping your arms straight out in front of you, rotate your shoulders so they are facing directly forward. Maintain this position, then bend your elbows and bring the band to the center of your chest. Hold briefly, then press your arms straight forward. Rotate your shoulders back to the start position.

2. Marching with Resistance

Set up: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with a resistance band tied in a loop around your feet.

Movement: Lift one leg up until your thigh is level with the floor, pause briefly, then return to the starting position. Then lift the other leg, pause briefly, then return to the starting position. Make sure that when you lift your leg, you do not arch your back or lean backwards.

3. Modified Deadlift with Resistance

Set up: Stand on top of the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart, holding the ends of a resistance band in each hand.

Movement: Bend your knees and squat down, while keeping your back straight and chest up. Pause briefly, then engage your core and thigh muscles and stand back up.

4. Tall Kneeling Chops with Resistance

Set up: Kneel upright on a slightly padded surface with one end of a resistance band under one knee. Hold the other end of the band in both hands in front of your hip.

Movement: Engage your core, then pull your arms diagonally from your hip up and across until your hands are over your opposite shoulder from the start position. Pause briefly, then return your hands back to your hip along the same diagonal.

5. Quadruped Lawn Mower with Resistance

Set up: Begin on all fours with one end of a resistance band under one hand and the other end wrapped around your other hand.

Movement: Pull up on the band, rotating your trunk toward the arm that is pulling upwards. Pause briefly, then return to being on all fours.

A licensed physical therapist can help you exercise while properly strengthening your core muscles. To schedule an appointment with a physical therapist at Sheltering Arms Institute, please visit www.shelteringarmsinstitute.com/contact-us or call (804) 764-1000.




  1. Akuthota, Venu1; Ferreiro, Andrea1; Moore, Tamara2; Fredericson, Michael3. Core Stability Exercise Principles. Current Sports Medicine Reports 7(1):p 39-44, January 2008. | DOI: 10.1097/01.CSMR.0000308663.13278.69
  2. Martuscello, Jason M.1; Nuzzo, James L.2; Ashley, Candi D.1; Campbell, Bill I.1; Orriola, John J.3; Mayer, John M.2. Systematic Review of Core Muscle Activity During Physical Fitness Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 27(6):p 1684-1698, June 2013. | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318291b8da

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