The Importance of Mental Health on Your Recovery

By: Mark Bender, PhD

Mental health plays a vital role in the recovery from illness or injury. When someone experiences a physical illness or injury, it can take a significant toll on their mental health and lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.

The Connection Between Mental Health and Physical Health

Mental and physical health are deeply interconnected. It has been shown that people with mental health conditions are more likely to experience physical health problems, and vice versa. For example, a person with depression may be more likely to develop heart disease, while a person with a chronic illness may experience depression or anxiety as a result of their condition. Depression has been shown to lengthen recovery time after surgery as well as delay wound healing. 

In the context of recovery from illness or injury, maintaining good mental health is essential. A positive outlook and a sense of control over one’s situation can contribute to better physical outcomes. On the other hand, negative emotions like anxiety and depression can worsen physical symptoms, prolong recovery times, and even delay the healing of wounds after surgery.

The Role of Mental Health in Recovery

The impact of mental health on recovery is multifaceted. Mental health can influence a person’s motivation to take an active role in their recovery. If someone is feeling hopeless or overwhelmed, they may be less likely to follow through with recommended treatments or therapies. The opposite can be true when individuals are feeling hopeful and optimistic about their prospects for recovery, leading to increased engagement in self-care practices and rehabilitation.

Mental health can influence a person’s ability to manage pain and discomfort. Pain is a common experience for people recovering from injury or illness, and it can be difficult to manage without proper coping mechanisms. Negative emotions like anxiety and depression can influence pain sensations and make it more difficult to manage discomfort. Certain types of thinking patterns (e.g., pain catastrophizing) have also been shown to impact one’s pain perception and management abilities. 

A very important factor in recovery from illness and injury is one’s ability to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and staying physically active are all important components of recovery from illness or injury. However, emotions like depression can lead to poor appetite and lack of motivation, while anxiety can interfere with sleep and make physical activity more difficult. By prioritizing mental health and seeking support when necessary, people can improve their ability to maintain healthy lifestyle habits and support their recovery.


Mental health is a critical component of recovery from illness or injury. By prioritizing mental well-being and seeking support when needed, you can improve your chances of a successful recovery. Mental health support during recovery can come from a number of sources. Self-care strategies are strongly recommended (e.g., accept and acknowledge your feelings, try to focus on what you can control, set realistic goals) as is seeking support from family and friends. Seeking professional assistance is sometimes required as well and asking your treatment provider for a referral can be an important step in your recovery. By viewing recovery as a process that prioritizes mental health alongside physical health, you can work toward achieving better outcomes and a higher quality of life.


Darnall, B., Sturgeon, J, Kao, MC, Hah, J, and MacKey, S. (2014). From Catastrophizing to Recovery: A pilot study of a single-session treatment for pain catastrophizing. Journal of Pain Research. 7, 219–26.

Gouin JP, Kiecolt-Glaser JK. (2011). The impact of psychological stress on wound healing: methods and mechanisms. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, 31(1), 81-93.

Sharma, A., Madaan, V., & Petty, F. D. (2006). Exercise for mental health. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry, 8(2), 106.

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