
Donor-Funded EKSO Arrives

Thanks to the support of donors, the Sheltering Arms Foundation can bring cutting-edge treatment technologies to the community.

The latest purchase is the EKSO, a lower extremity robotic exoskeleton that is utilized for patients receiving neurorehabilitation. Sheltering Arms Institute will be the first inpatient rehabilitation hospital in the state of Virginia to have an EKSO clinical program. The Sheltering Arms outpatient location in Hanover also received an EKSO, which supports the continuum of care.

“EKSO will offer our patients the opportunity to experience over-ground walking early in their recovery process, which may not have otherwise been possible due to the severity of their injuries,” said Zach Crump, DPT, Locomotor Specialist.

The EKSO is one of the most widely researched exoskeletons for over-ground ambulation. Current research indicates that the EKSO is both safe and feasible for use in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Additionally, this device has shown promising results in walking speed, endurance, lower extremity strength, and functional mobility for persons with spinal cord injury1-2.

“This device will be a tremendous resource for our therapy teams to give our patients the best opportunity to regain walking function and to reinvent rehabilitation for life beyond limits!” Zach said. “We are so grateful to donors for making this gift, which will serve our patients for years to come.”