5 Assistive Tools to Help with Daily Living

Staying independent and functioning efficiently in your daily life is important for you overall well-being. Occupational therapists are trained to analyze an activity and find the best tool to assist you. Here are 5 tools* that can assist you in actives of daily life:

  1. Do you have trouble reaching that can on the top shelf, picking up that magazine you dropped, or getting dressed?

Try a Reacher! These come in varying lengths and designs. Some have suction cups to better grip heavy items, and some are less bulky and better to manipulate clothing. Some even have a magnet that can pick up a metal item such as a paper clip. These can be found at many drug stores, online, and even some hardware stores.

  1. Do you frequently need help opening food packages or cutting up your food?

Try a good pair of kitchen shears! Kitchen shears can open most food packages with ease and can even be used to cut up food or chop vegetables with one hand. Most stores that carry kitchen items will have these available. You can also find them online.

  1. Do you struggle to keep your medications organized?

Consider having your medications pre-packed! CVS offers SimpleDose and Amazon pharmacy offers PillPack. Ask your local pharmacy — they may offer this service as well. No more sorting pills in a pillbox or trying to keep up with multiple medication bottles. These are all pre-packaged and labeled for you.

  1. Is it difficult to fully clean yourself after using the restroom?

Consider getting a Bidet or Washlet attachment! This is a pricier assistive device, but you many find the independence and cleanliness it offers worth the cost.

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  1. Is it a chore to put on your shoes?

Try the Foot Funnel! This device is another alternative to the traditional shoehorn. Simply secure the Foot Funnel on the back of your shoe, slide your foot in, and pull the string to remove the device.

We hope you find these assistive tools helpful! To schedule an evaluation with one of our skilled occupational therapists, contact us online or call (804) 764-1000.


*This blog post is not sponsored by any product or brand mentioned herein. The examples and opinions expressed are solely those of the author based on their research, knowledge, and experiences. Furthermore, Sheltering Arms Institute cannot guarantee the quality or consumer satisfaction of the products listed here.

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