7 Ways to Incorporate Fitness Throughout Your Day Without Breaking a Sweat

I think we can all agree that sometimes life gets really busy and because of that, it is hard to incorporate fitness into our daily lives. With work, family obligations, and extracurricular activities, finding time to exercise may be at the bottom of our list of priorities.

You may want to exercise, but by the time you get through your to-do list for the day, it’s late, you’re tired, and all you want to do is go to sleep. So, how do we solve this?

Well, I am going to give you seven ways to incorporate fitness throughout your day without breaking a sweat.

  1. Take the stairs! If you are able to and if the building where you work, go to school, etc. has stairs, take them instead of the elevator. Doing this can elevate your heart rate and can even be faster than waiting for the elevator.
  2. Do seated marches during meetings. In today’s world, the majority of meetings are virtual. So, while you are listening to the meeting, become an active listener… literally. If a meeting is scheduled to be an hour, every 15 minutes complete five minutes of seated marches. It is quick, easy, and an exercise that won’t make you break a sweat!
  3. Drink plenty of water. We’ve all heard the phrase, “What goes in must come out.” The more water you drink, the more you will get up during the day to use the restroom making it easier to get your steps in.
  4. Deliver a message instead of an email. If you need to send a coworker a simple email and you all work in the same building, write the email out on a sheet of paper and go deliver the message yourself or go find your coworker and relay the message in person. This gets you out of your seat and helps you get steps in.
  5. Park far away. When you are coming into work or going to the grocery store, try not to go for the nearest parking spot. Instead, park a good distance away from the door and get those extra steps in.
  6. Monitor your posture. Keeping a great posture can help keep your muscles engaged.
  7. Consider waking up earlier to do some morning stretches. Stretching is very important, but it’s often forgotten about. Stretching in the morning can help improve posture, relieve pain, and increase blood flow!

These have been seven tips on how to incorporate exercise into your day. I hope this information was beneficial and you will be able to incorporate at least one new tip into your daily schedule.

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