Balance at Home

By: Hope Adams, ACSM EP, Exercise Physiologist

Why is balance so important? A good sense of balance helps us with everyday activities such as walking up the stairs or getting into a car. Balance allows us to recognize our position relative to the objects around us. As we get older, our balance start to decrease, making it important to maintain as we age. One of my favorite sayings is “If you don’t use it, you lose it,” which is true for balance. Having good balance helps prevent falls, is good for the brain and also helps prevent injuries.

Balance is one of the four types of exercise that includes strength, endurance and flexibility. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and American Heart Association (AHA) both recommend including all four of these into a healthy workout routine and that older adults participate in balance training three days or more each week to reduce the risks of falls. However, you can do balance training as many days as you want!

There are different levels of balance skills, so start with the easiest. When you feel comfortable, go ahead and move up a level!

  • Level 1: Start with both hands on the counter top
  • Level 2: One hand on the counter top
  • Level 3: No hands!
  • Level 4: Try closing your eyes, but make sure you are close to a surface to grab onto in case you do lose balance.

Here are some exercises you can try on your own:

Exercise 1: Both feet together

Exercise 2: One foot in front of the other

one foot in front balance exercise

Exercise 3: Heel to toe stand

heel toe balance exercise

Exercise 4: Heel toe walking

heel toe walking balance exercise

Exercise 5: One-legged stand

one legged stand balance exercise

Exercise 6: Tree pose

tree pose balance exercise

If you have progressed through all the levels with ease, try going outside! The ground will be a bit uneven in the grass, which will act like an airex balance pad.

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