Give Me a Break!

By: Lynn Hewette, PT

It is said the mind can only absorb what the backside can endure. While we often think of this in the context of listening to a lecture, it really does apply more broadly to a variety of tasks. Whether you work remotely at a computer or drive a truck, you have likely experienced the numbing physical and mental effects of maintaining focus for an extended time.

So what is the remedy? Take a break, my friend! As difficult as it may be to carve out a little time during the day for relative rest of your mind and body, it is well worth the investment.

Taking a break from a task most simply provides a change for the mind and body. It can be as simple as a minute or two to stop, look up, stretch, take some deep breaths, and change your body position. It can also be a formal break, such as for lunch, where you can physically get away to regroup and recharge for the next round.

Taking a break can increase overall productivity, creativity, and focus. It can leave you with some energy at the end of the day. How great is that?

I can hear you thinking, “Not possible. Have you seen my job? It’s go, go, go. I don’t even take a lunch break.” If this is you, a little reflection on this attitude may be helpful. While some days are probably crazy hectic, there are days you have control of your time. Let that smart device help you.

Be intentional, schedule the breaks, and then take them! Make a choice to be kind to yourself, because your physical and mental health really is more important than the task at hand.

Here are some suggestions for ways to take some breaks. These can be done “on the fly” in less than a minute, or in combination for an even better effect over several minutes. Repeat these throughout the day. Set some reminders on your watch or phone.

  • Raise your gaze. This will reduce eye strain by allowing eye muscles to relax as you look at something in the distance. Look at something that makes you smile!
  • Breathe. Slow, deep breaths bring much-needed oxygen to the brain and body, can reduce blood pressure and heart rate, and put the entire body in a more relaxed mode. This can improve mental clarity, increase your creativity, and lift brain fog!
  • Stretch a bit. Nothing feels good like a nice stretch, ask your pet! If you are working at a keyboard, stretch the wrists and forearms, and shake out the hands regularly. If you have been sitting awhile, sit tall, reach up and back, and open the front of your body. Stand up, walk around, and stretch your hamstrings. Pause the scurrying to stretch your shoulders and neck.
  • Change positions. Too long in one position or activity is not good. Mix it up a bit. If you are sitting, get up and walk around every 30 minutes. How about a few jumping jacks to get that circulation going? If you are on your feet continuously, then sit for a few minutes. If possible, mix up periods of sitting and standing throughout the day to reduce strain on the body.

Do yourself the favor of a break. The pause can be refreshing, and your body will thank you.

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