How to Get Out of an Exercise Rut

By: Alexander Lavallis, ACSM EP-C

Exercise is something that we all need to participate in for our overall mental and physical well-being, and ideally, we also have the mindset that it is something we want to do. However, sometimes that is not the case. Maybe you just don’t like exercising, or perhaps you are just so busy that exercise drops off of the daily to-do list. It may even become a burden, and once a habit of skipping exercise is developed, it’s hard to break it.

Many of us fall into a rut where we’re not motivated to exercise at all. At this point, we may begin to question if we’ll ever feel the thrills and benefits of endorphins from exercise again. If you feel like this article is speaking to you, continue reading to discover how to get out of this rut and get back into exercising.

Step 1: Acknowledging Your Rut

The first step of getting out of this rut is acknowledging that you are in one. If you do not acknowledge and identify the issue, it is hard to troubleshoot and then solve the problem. Once you have come to terms that you are in a rut, you can begin to start the process of getting back on the exercise bandwagon.

Step 2: Develop a Want and a Why

Now it is time to develop a want and a why. These two things are very important – you have to want to exercise because without a want, you will have no drive to change and without a why, you will have no self-accountability or internal or external motivation to keep you going.

Consider your want and why as a car and gasoline; they go hand in hand and, without one, the other is useless. Examples of whys could be to:

  • Feel stronger
  • Have more energy
  • Fit into a favorite shirt or pair of jeans
  • Feel confident on an upcoming trip
  • Health and safety concerns
  • Win a contest

Whatever your why is, make sure it is something that will be very difficult for you to quit on. 

Step 3: Get Excited About Exercise

Once you develop your want and why, now it is time for you to get excited about exercising. Here are a few ways this can happen.

  • Prepare a great playlist full of upbeat music. Great tunes can improve energy efficiency to help you power through the hardest moment during your workout.
  • Recruit a workout partner. Your workout partner can be a friend, family member, significant other, or co-worker. They can help motivate you to workout on the days where you are less motivated, or help inspire you to push through a difficult set and not take any shortcuts.
  • Find the most efficient time to exercise. Whether it’s in the morning, after work, or mid-day, set aside time and respect the time that you set to exercise and make it purposeful.

In closing, one of the best investments we can make is in our own health. Always remember that whenever you are feeling unmotivated to exercise.

If you need some help getting out of your exercise rut, Sheltering Arms’ team of exercise physiologists is here to help! Visit to schedule a consultation.

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