Tips To Keep Your Wheelchair Running Smoothly

By: Megan Murphey

Why is it so important to maintain my wheelchair?

Poor wheelchair maintenance increases the risk of your wheelchair breaking down, which can lead to personal injury or death and increase the cost of your medical care. Additionally, wheelchair breakdown can limit your mobility and social participation.

What research tells us about wheelchair maintenance:

According to a 2016 study, up to 18% of wheelchair users experience a wheelchair-related injury each year. Furthermore, 44–57% reported at least one wheelchair breakdown in the past 6 months. Of these, 20–30% of users stated that because of the breakdown, they missed work and appointments, were stranded at home or away from home, or were injured.

What can I do?

  • Perform routine inspections on your wheelchair
  • Perform simple maintenance such as cleaning your equipment, tightening loose bolts, and making minor adjustments
  • Have your wheelchair inspected and serviced annually by your wheelchair provider just like you would your car

Before you begin:

  1. Do NOT perform any maintenance on your wheelchair you do not feel comfortable doing!
    • Call your wheelchair vendor if you need help with ANY repair or maintenance needs
    • Your therapy team may also be able to help IF they are trained in wheelchairs
    • Who is your vendor? Always keep their contact information with you
  1. If you are performing the maintenance yourself, make sure you transfer to a stable and protected surface to sit on.
  2. Gather your tools. Helpful tools to have on hand:
    • screwdrivers
    • Allen wrenches
    • combination wrenches
    • lubricant
    • a tire lever
    • a tire pump
    • a tire patch kit
    • a bucket with water
    • a cloth

Watch these videos on our wheelchair and powerchair maintenance playlist to learn how to properly inspect your wheelchair.

Sheltering Arms Institute has an in-house wheelchair clinic at our inpatient hospital and provides seating and wheeled mobility needs to individuals recovering from an array of injuries, illnesses, and conditions. To learn more about our wheelchair clinic or to contact a specialist, please visit or call (804) 764-1000.


SCI Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center 2018: Maintenance Guide for Users of Manual and Power Wheelchairs;

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